Interventions to improve breastfeeding selfefficacy and. Jan 01, 2014 breastfeeding self efficacy scores from baseline to 4 weeks postpartum in intervention and control groups. Enhancing breastfeeding selfefficacy through prenatal education. Pdf randomized controlled trial of a prenatal breastfeeding self. Maternal knowledge, attitudes and selfefficacy in relation. The breastfeeding selfefficacy scale bses was developed by dennis. Breastfeeding and breastfeeding continuation rates in turkey are not at the desired level. Application of breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort form. Lee dennis developed the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale, which was used in this. One variable, maternal selfefficacy was derived from this measure. Bandura 1977 advocated a behaviourspecific approach to the study of selfefficacy, arguing that a measure of general selfefficacy in overall ability would be inadequate for tapping an individuals efficacy in managing tasks associated with a specific behaviour.
As part of a longitudinal study, participants completed mailed questionnaires at 1, 4, and 8 weeks postpartum. The merit study manual expression premature infants. The effect of interventional program on breastfeeding self. Because those interventions can be expensive, often one must decide which mothers will receive them. Bandura 1977 advocated a behaviourspecific approach to the study of self efficacy, arguing that a measure of general self efficacy in overall ability would be inadequate for tapping an individuals efficacy in managing tasks associated with a specific behaviour. Enhancing breastfeeding selfefficacy through prenatal. Breastfeeding selfefficacy and mood in firsttime mothers. Insufficient breast milk is a major reason why mothers give up breastfeeding and may be related to low levels of maternal confidence. This study included all mothers of full term healthy singleton infants from one private hospital in brisbane who.
Using self efficacy theory as a conceptual framework, the breastfeeding self efficacy scale bses was developed and content validity was judged by a panel of experts and through interviews with. Breastfeeding selfefficacy, in particular, is a potentially modifiable variable that has been shown to predict longer breastfeeding duration and increased exclusivity. Selfefficacy, state anxiety, locus of control, and simulation effectiveness ashley m. The application of a breastfeeding self efficacy scale could point out the mothers with more weaknesses, in the aspects required in the process of breastfeeding, and allow interventions during provision of nursing care that occurs after childbirth, intending to provide support for successful breastfeeding.
Torres et al spanish breastfeeding selfefficacy scale. Breastfeeding self efficacy scale short form bsessf the bsessf is a 14item self administered instrument derived from the original 33item bses that measures breastfeeding confidence. Journal of obstetric gynecologic neonatal nursing 326 pages 734744 dennis c. This crosssectional study was conducted on 437 newly delivered mothers who were referred to health care centers in bonab, iran. Breastfeeding selfefficacy or bse refers to a mothers confidence in her ability to breastfeed her infant. This 10 itemscale assesses maternal selfefficacy in relation to 9 specific mothering activities andincludes 1 global item. This study aimed to determine the effect of educational program on breastfeeding selfefficacy and duration of exclusive breastfeeding in pregnant women in ahvaz, iran. Breastfeeding self efficacy has been shown to be a strong predictor of both breastfeeding initiation and duration and is therefore an important characteristic to be able to measure. Breastfeeding attitudes and confidence among mothers in a.
Literature on job search activities than enhances the probability of employment reveal that both general e. An instrument development and psychometric assessment study by evelyn kennedy in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy. Presentation mode open print download current view. Everything you wanted to know about the selfefficacy. However, the circumstances that may influence the effectiveness of the interventions are unclear, especially in the context of hospitals with suboptimal infant feeding practices. The breastfeeding self efficacy scale short form bsessf, including 14 items measuring perceived selfefficacy towards breastfeeding, has been the tool that has shown the best ability to predict.
A retrospective self report study was conducted using the breastfeeding self efficacy scale short form bsessf, demographic and infant feeding questionnaires. Breastfeeding selfefficacy is a concept based on banduras 1997 social cognitive theory 9. Determining a cutoff point for scores of the breastfeeding. Denniss breastfeeding selfefficacy theory was the foundation for the breastfeeding selfefficacy tool used in this project. View of application and validation of breastfeeding selfefficacy scale. The primary outcome was breastfeeding selfefficacy measured with the breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort form, translated into persian, at 8 weeks postpartum. Dennis revised the bses into a shorter version in 2003. Parenting selfefficacy and perception of insufficient. Article information, pdf download for the portuguese version of the breastfeeding selfefficacy. The relationship between fatigue and breastfeeding self. The translation was done by two people who are experts in both english and malay language using back translation technique. A quasiexperimental design used a convenience sample of 30 breastfeeding class participants as the experimental group and. Using self efficacy theory as a conceptual framework to measure breastfeeding confidence, the breastfeeding self efficacy scale bses was developed and psychometrically tested among englishspeaking mothers.
Work selfefficacy scale and search for work selfefficacy. This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 120 nulliparous pregnant women who tended to breastfeed. We assessed knowledge 6 items, scale range 06, attitudes 15. Improving breastfeeding outcomes brief overview of clinical problem. Nonparametric statistical testing did not reveal any significant differences between mean selfefficacy scores 81. Breastfeeding selfefficacy scale short form to obtain the mother. Breastfeeding selfefficacy bse refers to a mothers confidence in her ability to breastfeed her infant dennis, 1999. Document resume leerkes, esther m crockenberg, susan. Using the conceptual frameworks of both donabedian and breastfeeding selfefficacy theory, a multifaceted approach was implemented targeting all pregnant women in this organization. Translation and validation of breastfeeding selfefficacy. Breastfeeding self efficacy is a concept based on banduras 1997 social cognitive theory 9. The effect of breastfeeding selfefficacy on breastfeeding. Breastfeeding self efficacy scores from baseline to 4 weeks postpartum in intervention and control groups.
Parenting selfefficacy and perception of insufficient breast. Breastfeeding selfefficacy of mothers and the affecting. May 18, 2018 for adaptation of the prenatal breastfeeding selfefficacy scale to turkish, written permission of kristen wells, who developed the scale, was obtained. The purpose of this study was to reduce the number of items on the original breastfeeding self efficacy scale bses and psychometrically assess the revised bsesshort form bsessf.
The primary aim of this study was to examine bfse in a sample of women using secondline strategies for. Reliability and validity of a turkish version of the. The approval of the erzurum ataturk university faculty of health sciences ethical committee and the written permissions of the studied hospitals were obtained before conducting the study. Application of breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort. Nonparametric statistical testing did not reveal any significant differences between mean self efficacy scores 81. While previous studies have focused on the relationship between postpartum mood and breastfeeding, little is known about how breastfeeding selfefficacy may affect mood.
Studies for acceptance a thesis entitled the nursing competence selfefficacy scale ncses. Maternal breastfeeding selfefficacy is a mothers perceived ability to breastfeed her infant and has been shown to predict breastfeeding duration and exclusivity rates among women in the immediate postpartum period. For the selfefficacy scale, each item is worded positively and rated. Breastfeeding self efficacy bse, or the mothers perception of her ability to breastfeed, is a psychological factor related to breastfeeding duration. We assessed the predictive value of the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale short form.
However, future research is needed to assess the bsessf as a discrete scale. The portuguese version of the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale. Because intention is a precursor of practice, we examined factors associated with ebf intention during pregnancy in two rural subdistricts of kishoreganj district, bangladesh. The confidence level will be measured by using the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale shortform bsessf which was adapted from a previous study dennis, 1999, 2003 with the permission from the author. Breastfeeding selfefficacy scale short form bsessf works as an instrument to assess maternal confidence toward effective breastfeeding. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the effect of a self efficacy intervention on breastfeeding self efficacy and exclusive. In a study by loke and chan on 199 women in postpartum period using the breastfeeding self efficacy scale short form mbsessf results showed that women with higher score of breastfeeding self efficacy were more intended to have exclusive breastfeeding six months after birth or 7. Program goals included improving breastfeeding knowledge, selfefficacy, and intent among the targeted population. Breastfeeding selfefficacy bfse supports breastfeeding initiation and duration. Breastfeeding selfefficacy bse is defined as a mothers confidence in her perceived ability to breastfeed the baby.
Psychometric assessment of the short form cindylee dennis objective. Effectiveness of a breastfeeding selfefficacy intervention. Achieving optimal exclusive breastfeeding ebf remains a challenge. A retrospective selfreport study was conducted using the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale short form bsessf, demographic and infant feeding questionnaires. Other methods as well as study limitations will be. Breastfeeding selfefficacy and the use of prescription. This study aimed to determine if bse uniquely predicted breastfeeding duration after taking into account other variables known to influence the length of time for which a woman continues to breastfeed.
Administered questionnaire at 1, 4, and 8 weeks postpartum. Apr 22, 2014 achieving optimal exclusive breastfeeding ebf remains a challenge. All items are preceded by the phrase i can always and rated on a 5point likert scale, ranging from 1 not at all confident to 5 always confident. The application of a breastfeeding selfefficacy scale could point out the mothers with more weaknesses, in the aspects required in the process of breastfeeding, and allow interventions during provision of nursing care that occurs after childbirth, intending to provide support for successful breastfeeding. Dec 20, 20 breastfeeding self efficacy bfse supports breastfeeding initiation and duration. Translation and validation of the breastfeeding self.
Everything you wanted to know about the selfefficacy scale. Selfefficacy scale for your study, given that appropriate recognition of the source of the scale is made in the writeup of your study. Selfefficacy is an important indicator of a womans successful transition to her maternal role and an important predictor of a mothers infant care behavior. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Although the value of providing infants with human milk has long been understood, a torrent of studies published in the past decade have provided undeniable evidence that breastfeeding reduces morbidity and mortality during the first year of life, not only in developing countries but in. This study explored the relationship between parenting self efficacy pes and perception of insufficient breast milk.
The breastfeeding self efficacy scale shortform bsessf in english version will be translated into national language which is malay language in order to help the respondent understand the questions. Breastfeeding self efficacy, in particular, is a potentially modifiable variable that has been shown to predict longer breastfeeding duration and increased exclusivity. The effect of an antenatal breastfeeding intervention on. Linear regression was performed on pre and post intervention breastfeeding intention revealing that, while the intervention did positively impact. Breastfeeding selfefficacy in a sample of wic participants. The breastfeeding self efficacy construct has promising utility for nursing practice. Breastfeeding selfefficacy in a sample of wic participants digital. When the respondent obtains between 14 and 32 points, she is considered to have low efficacy.
Using selfefficacy theory as a conceptual framework to measure breastfeeding confidence, the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale bses was developed and psychometrically tested among englishspeaking mothers. However, there is currently a myriad of instruments for measuring breastfeeding selfefficacy, which makes selection of an appropriate instrument difficult. Breastfeeding self efficacy theory purports that women with higher bse will have better breastfeeding outcomes. The present chapter describes brief health specific self efficacy scales that were developed to examine the relationship between self efficacy, intentions, and behaviors in the context of large scale field studies designed to screen diverse populations. It is defined as a mothers confidence in her ability to breastfeed her child. The bses was originally designed as a 33item instrument but following a second methodological study, several items were deleted using explicit reduc tion criteria and the bses was shortened to 14 items dennis, 2003. Reliability and validity of a turkish version of the prenatal. The specific aims of this study are to determine if the duration of manual expression in mothers of premature infants will result in. The breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort form bsessf was developed to measure a mothers. Background breastfeeding self efficacy can be measured with the breastfeeding self efficacy scale short form bsessf. Breastfeeding selfefficacy of mothers and the affecting factors. The purpose of this study was to reduce the number of items on the original breastfeeding self. The purpose of this study was to reduce the number of items on the original breast feeding selfefficacy scale bses and psychometrically assess the revised bsesshort form bsessf. We assessed knowledge 6 items, scale range 06, attitudes.
Breastfeeding women who gave birth to a singleton healthy term infant at one private metropolitan birthing facility in australia from november 2008 to february 2009 returned anonymous. The breastfeeding selfefficacy scale, shortform bses, measures a mothers perceived ability to breastfeed her baby. Development and psychometric testing of the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale. Increasing breastfeeding self efficacy across the prenatal to. Breastfeeding self efficacy interventions are important for improving breastfeeding outcomes. The prenatal breastfeeding selfefficacy scale pbses was developed in 2006 by wells et al. Translation and validation of the breastfeeding selfefficacy. Efficacy scale bses and psychometrically assess the revised bsesshort form bses. Research has shown that a significant predictor of breastfeeding duration is maternal confidence. Challenges to breastfeeding may undermine bfse, but secondline strategies including nipple shields, syringe, cup, supply line and bottle feeding may support breastfeeding until challenges are resolved. This study aims to identify mothers perception about breastfeeding selfefficacy through the bsessf instrument and to build socio demographic and obstetric profiles of the subjects.
The breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort form bsessf. The primary selfefficacy scores of samples were measured using faux and dennis. Decreased selfefficacy is known to be involved in cessation of breast feeding 27, 45. Mothers with low bsessf scores stop exclusive breastfeeding prematurely, but specific interventions can prevent that undesirable outcome. Background breastfeeding selfefficacy can be measured with the breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort form bsessf. Bse score is defined as the literal number score that an individual received after completion of the breastfeeding selfefficacy scale. The breastfeeding selfefficacy scale shortform bsessf in english version will be translated into national language which is malay language in order to help the respondent understand the questions. We studied 2,400 pregnant women in their third trimester 2632 weeks gestation. Breastfeeding selfefficacy scores from baseline to 4 weeks postpartum in intervention and control groups.
However, there is currently a myriad of instruments for measuring breastfeeding self efficacy, which makes selection of an appropriate instrument difficult. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of the maternal selfefficacy scale in iranian mothers. Improving breastfeeding knowledge, selfefficacy and intent. Finally, this study provided additional support for the theoretical hypothesis that breastfeeding self efficacy is predictive of future breastfeeding behavior. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the effect of a selfefficacy intervention on breastfeeding selfefficacy and exclusive. The breastfeeding selfefficacy short form bsessf is a 14 item tool with high internal consistency cronbachs. Incorporating selfefficacy theory, developed the breastfeeding selfefficacy concept. The breastfeeding selfefficacy scaleshort form bsessf, including 14 items measuring perceived selfefficacy towards breastfeeding, has been the tool that has shown the best ability to predict. For adaptation of the prenatal breastfeeding selfefficacy scale to turkish, written permission of kristen wells, who developed the scale, was obtained. Breastfeeding selfefficacy of women using secondline. Improving breastfeeding knowledge, selfefficacy and.
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